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Thoughts of an Aesthetician

I had an epiphany last night. It was about my love of collecting old worn out things and making them into something new and beautiful. I thought about how that correlates to what I do as an Aesthetician everyday with the people I see. I love to restore/upcycle things and I love to restore people and make them feel good about themselves and who they are. There is a rewarding feeling you get when taking something by today's standards worn out and outdated, non-functioning or just obsolete and making it into something completely new and beautiful. The irony is...that is what I do with people too! I remember my business coach telling me, "You have to STOP collecting broken people!" But that is what I feel my lot in life is. I am a care taker and a problem solver. Not to mention an empath. I take people who have low self-esteem due to bad skin, excessive hair growth, acne and weight issues and help them heal and build confidence. I have clients who I watch transform before my eyes like the caterpillar that becomes a beautiful butterfly. Sometims all these people need is a little boost in confidence from a treatment I am able to offer and words of encouragment that they are unique, beautiful and that they matter. This makes me think of a project I recently completed, an old sewing table; the prettiest I have seen. A client actually got it for free and gave it to me to refinish. I cannot even express how grateful I was to receive this poor worn out piece of furniture and given the chance to make it into something new. At one time, someone had tried to paint it a dreary black color which it apparently didn't like, nor did me. The paint was clumpy and streaky. I had to get it off. I sanded table down to reveal the bare wood and set out to give it a new identity from there. After a few carefully applied coats of paint and some new hardware I had transformed the old sewing table and it has been issued the confidence to carry on with a new life as a beverage station. Maybe that is my life purpose. Never to question if my work is appreciated or if I am appreciated but to sit back and enjoy knowing that even for one moment I made an impact on somebody or something. To know that a kind word or small gesture and a little bit of aesthetic magic can take a worn out person who feels like that old sewing table, outdated and not good enough, and guide them in their transformation to feeling validated, renewed and confident.

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