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How Summer Fun can Impact Fall Skin

Don't let summer fun come back to haunt you when Fall rolls around. Being lax about skincare in the summer and getting into bad habits can lead to break outs and clogged pores come autumn. It takes between 14 and 90 days for a clogged pore to become a pimple, this means that things you are doing or not doing now can have an impact on your skin up to 3 months from now!

The summer is a fun and busy time of year, it's east to neglect your home skincare routine when you are constantly on the go and have something to do and somewhere to be. By the time you get home you're exhausted and it is easy to swipe off your makeup with a makeup remover towel and call it a day. However, you're skin is going to pay for it in the long run so if you can muster up the energy for those extra five minutes of skincare at home you will be glad you did later on.

The reason home care is extra important during the summer months is because summer has so many things that cause the skin stress. Some of the things that are irritating or pore clogging for the skin are as follows:

1. Swimming Pools- chemicals used to clean the pools, such as iodides and chlorine, contain ingredients that irritate the skins follicle and strip the skin of it's natural oils.

2. Certain Foods- iodized salt, seafood, fish, seaweed, fast foods and dairy products are all known pore cloggers. Summer cookouts and fast food stops are no friend to your skin. Be mindful of what you're eating to limit the effect of negative foods on your skin.

3. Heat and Humidity- A warm environment is a breeding ground for bacteria, especially the P.Acnes bacteria that causes the clogged pores to produce active pimples. pustules, and blackheads. The heat of the summer only helps the bacteria to grow and spread in your pores. Kill off those pesky bacteria by remembering to ice regularly. Don't forget to move the ice around on the skin so you don't get an ice burn.

4. Irregular Schedule- Summer is prime time for vacations, summer camps, and sleep overs, which are all fun but can take a toll on your skin. Ir can be difficult to keep on top of a home care regime when your not at home and your busy having fun, however, skipping out on your regular skin care routine is only doing yourself a disservice. If you want to keep and maintain healthy, clear skin it is essential to maintain your routine, even when you're away from home. Being inconsistent with your home care and product use will catch up with you eventually.

If you find yourself breaking out and would like some guidance, schedule a consultation to start the Face Reality Acne Clinic at Brilliant Bodywork by calling us at (608) 783-8380 or to learn more about the Face Reality Clinic at Brilliant Bodywork you can click here.

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