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Brilliant Women

This Mother’s Day we want to take some time to celebrate the wonderful mothers and women in our lives. Mother’s Day is the day to celebrate moms, but really it is a day to celebrate all the amazing women in our lives who mentor and influence us. There are many mothers out there and not all of them have children. Let’s not only celebrate our lovely mothers, aunts, and grandmothers, let us celebrate all women who strive to live as brilliant women, impacting their families and communities and leaving their mark on all those whose lives they touch.

When I was thinking about what it means to be a brilliant woman I decided to look up the definition of brilliant. Here is the dictionary definition of the word-



1. (of light or color) very bright and radiant.

2.exceptionally clever or talented.

What a fitting definition, bright and radiant, brilliant women shine and sparkle wherever they go. They radiate love, kindness and empathy. They have many talents and skills, they are clever, multi-tasking professionals who know how to get the job done. Brilliant women span the generations from talented young girls to wise grandmothers brimming with knowledge to pass down to those they take under their wing.

When I think of a brilliant woman, I can’t help but think of the movie Steel Magnolias. The title is a reference to the group of Southern women and matriarchs in the film, however, it is a fitting title for women in general. What the phrase “steel magnolias” refers to is a woman’s ability to be tough and tender, and strong and sweet.

A “steel magnolia” is a woman who fearlessly pursues her dreams all the while ceaselessly loving and caring for her family. She is confident and not afraid to speak her mind. She feels deeply and loves endlessly. She is persistent and tenacious.

Brilliant women strive to lift each other up, sharing their gifts and talents with each other, passing on what they know and have learned to other women. Brilliant women are the women who put together the food train for the family that just had a loss, they offer to come watch the baby for the exhausted new mother so she can have a little time to herself, she makes blankets for those in need and serves others wherever she can.

When I think of all the brilliant women in our community, and the ones I personally am surrounded by, it makes my heart feel so full. As women we have this bond of sisterhood that we share, and it is truly inspiring to see what happens when we work to support and encourage each other. Our sisterhood spans the generations, with all of us having something to offer. We bring our own unique talents to the table to share with our sisters in a never-ending community of resilient women. This is what our community is about, sharing and growing, building up instead of tearing down, choosing to embrace your sister instead of judging her.

Next time you have an opportunity to learn from the brilliant women in your life or to share something with them, take it. Let’s appreciate what we have every day, not just on Mother’s Day. I challenge you to engage in the sisterhood and cultivate a community of strong, brilliant woman coming together to do life, to encourage and support each other, and share our unique talents and gifts. Today I am grateful for the many strong, caring, and brilliant women in my life and I am inspired to be more like them. Brilliant women, may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them.

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