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The Ultimate Infra-Slim Guide

In an older blog post we looked at the benefits of using infrared heat therapy, including the use of our Infra-Slim Body Contouring System, today we are going to take an in depth look at the infra slim and how it can benefit you. If you'd like to learn more about infrared heat and how that is beneficial you can read about that here-

What is the Infra Slim-

The infra-slim body contouring system is a full body suit that use two different therapies, infrared therapy and pressure therapy to benefit the body in multiple ways. Some of the benefits of using the infra-slim include-

  1. Improved Circulation - Because the infra-slim uses infrared heat in its system you will have some similar benefits as the infrared sauna. Increased circulation is caused by the heating up of the muscles which mimics the same kind of increase in blood flow to when you exercise. This also helps to reduce edema.

  2. Detoxification - The infra-slim process of infrared heat and pressure therapy works to detoxify the body.

  3. Inch Loss - Studies have shown that a reduction of 1-3 inches in the waistline is possible in as little as 1-2 sessions. Possibility of 3-5 inches lost in only 3 sessions!

  4. Reduction of Cellulite- Cellulite is caused by toxins trapped between the skin and the fatty tissues, when the infra-slim works to detoxify the body it helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

  5. Relaxation- The warmth of the infrared heat relaxes muscles, warms the body and relieves tensions while the while the pressure therapy simulates the feeling of massage.

How it works-

The infra-slim system works by using infrared heat and pressure therapy. Studies show that infrared heat penetrates the body about 1 1/2 inches quickly and painlessly. Once the infrared heat has penetrated the body it heats the fat cells causing them to expand and open expelling fat and toxins. This process is known as lipolysis. When the fat cells shrink back they leave a flatter waist, tummy, thighs, buttocks, and arms.

The second part of the process is the pressure therapy, as the infrared heat penetrates the body targeting the fat cells the steady pressure therapy works to transport the fat and toxins into the lymphatic system and to the liver where they are metabolized and discharged through sweat, bodily functions and other forms of detoxification in the body.

The infra-slim appointment is 30-45 minutes, during this time you are comfortably wrapped up in the suit while laying on the massage table. As your session begins each segment of the suit fills with air, this is the pressure therapy. The suit gradually heats up over the entire session with the last 15 minutes being the warmest. You will sweat during this session, which is very beneficial and essential to the body. The body can release up to 20% of toxins and fats during an infra-slim session. Traditional exercise alone only yields about 3-5% release of toxins and fats. During your session your bodies core temperature is raised this stimulates sweat production in the body and allows the body to release toxins and fats through the sweat glands. Because you will be sweating and detoxifying it is important to stay hydrated before and after your appointment. You will want to continue hydrating after your session as the body continues to flush metabolized fats and toxins.

When you arrive for your appointment you will want to wear a long sleeve shirt and pants, we recommend wearing something like workout clothes, yoga pants or leggings. Also you will want to drink plenty of water before and after your appointment. To schedule give us a call at (608) 783-8380 or you can book online at

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