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Beginners Guide to Thai Massage

Thai massage, sometimes referred to as Thai Yoga Massage, is an ancient practice that combines acupressure, Indian Ayurvedic principles, and assisted yoga postures and stretching.

It is believed that the founder of Thai massage was Shivago Komarpai, who is said to have been the Buddha's personal physician over 2,500 years ago. He is known in ancient documents for having extraordinary medical skills and a large knowledge of herbal medicine.

Traditional Thai massage is done without any lotions or oils, it uses gentle pressure on the energy lines of the body combined with yoga-like stretching. Thai massage is done with the clothing remaining on the client. We use a special Thai massage mat, and it is done on the mat on the floor. Instead of rubbing or massaging the muscles, the Massage Therapist works to treat and heal the body by using stretching techniques, compression, and rocking. The client will be positioned in a variety of yoga-like postures during the massage. Thai massage has soothing rhythm to the movements and can be very relaxing, helping the client to reach a state of deeper relaxation and calm. Here is a demo video of Thai massage between a massage therapist and client:

Benefits of Thai Massage:

Reduce Muscle Tension and Spasms: The techniques used in Thai massage allow the massage therapist to pinpoint areas of built up muscle tension and employ positions that target those specific areas of tension and pain helping to ease and heal the muscle.

Increase Energy: Because Thai massage engages the client in many different movements and positions, this ongoing rhythm between the provider and client helps to increase energy in the body. It is also believed in Chinese medicine that by stimulating specific areas on the energy lines or meridians of the body you can move and shift spots of stagnant energy helping the body to have a healthy flow of energy and in turn giving a boost of energy to the client. This flow of energy is know as Qi.

Improve Circulation and Range of Motion: The nature of movement associated with Thai massage including touch, skeletal manipulation, and acupressure helps to boost circulation in the body. Similarly, the movements and positions of Thai massage, much like yoga, helps to loosen up the body and joints. This improves the range of motion in the joints and body.

Ease Sciatica, Neck Pain, and Headaches: The combined use of stretching, acupressure, work along the energy lines, and joint manipulation all help to release muscle tension, soothe and ease irritation in the nerves, and alleviate pain. The combination of the different techniques in Thai massage all work together to target underlying problems and help to manage and ease symptoms of pain and discomfort holistically

Mental Relaxation and Calm: Thai massage can work similarly to meditation in that the repetitive process and rhythm help to put the body into a state of relaxation and calm. Thai massage can cause the body and mind to fall into a meditative state, much like yoga or Tai Chi, and help the client to become calm and de-stressed.

Balance Levels of Cortisol and Serotonin: Cortisol is the bodies stress hormone, it can cause all sorts of negative problems in the body like weight gain, disrupted sleep cycle, weakened immune response and more. Cortisol is one thing you do not want to much of in the body. Thai massage helps to balance out cortisol by releasing the feel good hormone serotonin in the body.

If your interested in Thai massage you can book an appointment with us by giving us a call at (608) 783-8380, or you can book online here-

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