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LightStim for Wrinkles and Acne

If you have been following our blog posts you know we did a series on holistic health and wellness, and in that series one of the products we covered was the LightStim for Pain Belt. Today we will be looking at the two other LightStim products that we now carry in the spa, they are the LightStim for Wrinkles, and LightStim for Acne. Let's start by reviewing what exactly the LightStim is.

The LightStim is a patented LED Light Therapy that is FDA cleared to effectively treat different skin issues. The LightStim uses soothing, painless, wavelengths of light that work together to heal and nourish the skin giving you a more radiant and ageless appearance.

The LightStim LED light therapy delivers light energy similar to how a plant would absorb light energy from the sun. The LighStim emits light rays that are beneficial and healing while also being UV-free. The light rays energize cells and help stimulate the body's own healing process to regenerate cells and build new proteins. Each LighStim product uses different wavelengths, or colors, of light to treat specific needs whether its pain, wrinkles, or acne.

The LightStim is extremely easy to use as well, in just minutes a day you can have the skin you always dreamed of and deserve. To use the LightStim you simply place the light gently touching your skin over the area of the face you desire to treat, leave it there for 3 minutes then move onto the next area. To make it even easier you can download the LightStim app to help track treatment time, get tips, product guides, customer support, and more.
Brilliant Bodywork EXCLUSIVE...when you purchase your LightStim device through Brilliant Bodywork you get a 7 year warranty! That is the longest warranty available for this device, it is even 1 year longer than the 6 year warranty if you purchase through the company.

LightStim for Wrinkles-

The LightStim for Wrinkles helps skin to produce more collagen and elastin, which diminishes fine lines and wrinkles. The wavelengths penetrate the epidermis layer of the skin, working to stimulate the skin's own ability to produce elastin and collagen. The LightStim for wrinkles will firm and tone aged skin, reduce appearance of pore size, create a smoother texture, and give you a radiant and youthful glow in just minutes a day.

The LightStim for Wrinkles use 4 different wavelengths, or colors, of LED lights. This is the LightStim Multiwave patented technology. The wavelengths used for the LightStim for Wrinkles device are amber, deep red, light red, and infrared (not visible to the human eye.) The wavelengths work together to give you the results you want.

The LightStim for Wrinkles is FDA cleared to be used on the entire face to treat wrinkles. You can even use it on your lips and crow's feet. It has clinically proven results, in an 8 week study 100% of participants showed improvement in their fine lines and wrinkles.

When you purchase the LightStim for Wrinkles you also receive a LightStim Beauty Bag to store your device, and a bottle of LightStim PhotoSerum. The PhotoSerum helps give your LightStim device a boost by helping the skin to pretect and repair itself, and is formulated specifically for use with the LightStim for Wrinkles device.

LightStim for Acne-

The LightStim for acne works the same way, by using wavelengths from LED lights to penetrate the skin and facilitate healing. The LightStim for acne specifically targets and destroys acne causing bacteria using a blue light, and uses a red light to reduce inflammation in the skin. These two wavelengths work together to help clear the skin's existing breakouts and prevent new breakouts from forming.

The LightStim for Acne is FDA cleared to treat mild to moderate acne and can be used by teenagers and adults. The LightStim for Acne has clinically proven results. In numerous studies the Blue LED light therapy has been proven to effectively treat acne by destroying acne causing bacteria in the skin with no negative side effects. Here is a before and after treatment taken to show skin clearing after 4 weeks.

You can have clearer skin at home in as little as a few minutes a day with the LightStim for Acne. This product will help reduce inflammation, destroy acne bacteria, heal and calm existing breakouts, help prevent future breakouts and restore your skin to a clear and healthy appearance.

If you'd like to learn more or are interested in purchasing one of the LightStim devices you can stop in and see us at Brilliant Bodywork, 314 Main st. in Onalaska. If you have sever acne that is beyond mild to moderate we have a program to help heal and treat your acne as well. It is our Face Reality program, if you would like to learn more you can give us a call as (608) 783-8380, or check out our website here- We also offer free consultations for the Face Reality program.

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