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Skin Games

For those of you who follow Brilliant Bodywork on Facebook you probably are familiar with the Skin Games competition that we have been sharing about on social media. We have been reaching out to are amazing clients to help vote for Stephanie for the people's choice award for the Skin Games competition.

If you have not been following us on Facebook, or you want to know a little more about what the Skin Games competition is and what's going then your in luck. Today I'm going to share with you some of what Stephanie has done for the Skin Games and what the competition entails.

The Skin Games is an international competition featuring multiple skin care categories. Stephanie entered the contest in 2 categories- acne, and anti-aging. For the contest Stephanie picked 2 models, one to represent each category. She then saw each model one a week for a duration of 8 weeks. Stephanie then documented each visit using photography and video. She then submitted all her photos and videos to be reviewed by the expert panel of judges for the Skin Games.

Some exciting news we got from the Skin Games is that Stephanie is in the top 4 for her category and is invited to the live show in California on April, 8 2017. Stephanie will go to the live show and have an opportunity to present her work to the judges. She will share with the judges and the attending audience what she did for her client and showcase the results from start to finish. The judges will then select the top prize winner for each category, and we just know Stephanie deserves it for all her hard work, dedication to her clients, and of course results!

Also, during that time the winner for People's Choice award will be selected. The people's choice award is why we have been sharing on Facebook for our friends and clients to vote for Stephanie. This is a prize that is selected based upon the highest number of votes, not determined by the judges.

We are so proud of Stephanie and no matter what happens she is a winner to us. However, we are absolutely delighted that she has made it to the top 4 based on her technical skill and work with skin care. Let's take a look at some of the work she has done in her categories-

Here is Megan, she is the model for the acne category, here is her starting photos before any treatments. You can see she that she is struggling with acne with her skin. Stephanie uses the Face Reality acne clinic program to help get and keep Megan's skin clear.

Here is Megan at week 4, half way through treatments. You can see the amazing results starting to appear. Her skin is visibly clearer and brighter already. You can really see the transformation that is taking place.

And finally, here is Megan at the end of 8 weeks of treatments working with Stephanie. These results are absolutely amazing! Stephanie did an awesome job, and Megan was a great model keeping up with all her appointments, home care and lifestyle changes,

Now, lets take a look at Terry. This is Stephanie's model for the anti-aging category. Here is her beginning photos before any treatment. Stephanie uses the skin rejuvenation services to help renew and tighten Terry's skin.

Here are photos from about the mid-way point for Terry's appointment, as you can see their are starting to be noticeable changes in the skin and how it looks for her.

Here are Terry's final photos after her 8 weeks of treatment with Stephanie. You can really see the difference the treatment has made on

As you can see Stephanie has done an amazing job working with her clients in these two categories. She has spent hours on treatments, education, and putting together home care plans for her clients.

If you would like to learn more about our laser skin rejuvenation treatments that we offer here at Brilliant Bodywork, please go here-

If you would like to learn more about the Face Reality acne clinic program offered at Brilliant Bodywork, please go here-

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