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Mason Jar Christmas Candle Craft

With Christmas fast approaching and the holiday spirit in the air, I thought it would be fun to feature a super easy, affordable, shabby-chic Christmas craft. I of course looked to Pinterest for my inspiration and found multiple designs for these mason jar Christmas candles. What I really like about this project is there is no right or wrong way to do it and it can be customized based on your tastes and preferences.

To begin you will need to have a mason jar (or jars if you’re feeling ambitious), spray paint color of your choice, preferably Christmas colors or winter colors, you will need burlap, twine, lace, or any other ribbons/fabrics that speak to you. You may want mini-pine cones, evergreen, holly, cranberries, cinnamon sticks, bells, gift tag or another fun, holiday themed piece to garnish your jar, also, you will need a hot glue gun, Mod Podge or an adhesive, and finally you will need a candle.

I have a few examples throughout so you can see how we will incorporate all the pieces together. Your first step if you want to paint your jar is to get out your spray paint and paint the outside of the jar from top to bottom and all around. Let your paint dry before moving on to the next steps. After the pain is dry you can decorate however you like, but what I recommend is doing a thicker piece of burlap or ribbon around the middle as your first piece and then layering a smaller piece of twine around that with your pine cones, evergreen, cinnamon sticks or whatever fun pieces you picked out. Also you can wrap your twine around the lid of the jar instead and that looks very nice as well. Don't be afraid to do a couple jars differently with a similar color scheme like the photo above, they look very nice grouped together as a centerpiece.

Here are a few more examples of different styles of Christmas jars. As you can see this craft is all about creating your own look and having fun. This would be a great craft to do for girl's night. Get a group together and grab a variety of different ribbons, fabrics, and accents and let everyone pick their favorites. If you decide to make one of these beautiful mason jar Christmas candle, please feel free to share it with us we would love to see what you come up with. Have fun and be creative, remember their is no wrong way with this craft.

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