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Ways to Maintain a Youthful Appearance

Age really is just a number, especially when it comes to your skin and appearance. Skin aging is the result of many different things, but only 20 to 30 percent of the process is genetically determined. That means there is more you have control over than you might have thought. A lot of how your skin ages is affected by your lifestyle, for example we know that smoking cigarettes greatly ages your skin and makes your look older than you are. Today we are going to look at some of the simple things you can do to keep your complexion looking young, healthy, and radiant regardless of what birthday you most recently celebrated.

You can look younger, healthier and more vibrant by just making some simple changes, here's how:

1. Wear Sunscreen!

Sunscreen is the perfect anti-aging cream. The more sun exposure you have the more you can damage your skin causing wrinkles, sun spots, uneven skin tone, and dry skin. These are all things that make your skin look older and less youthful. Sunscreen is a must to maintain healthy looking and feeling skin. Dermatologists recommend applying SPF 15 (or greater) every day, even in the winter and overcast days. Don't forget your hands, ears, neck, and décolletage. These areas can easily be forgotten and they can give your age away if they are missed and don't look the same as your face.

2. Stay Hydrated: Water is the Fountain of Youth

Drinking lots of water is one of the easiest ways to look (and feel) your best. Water also keeps the skin moist, plump and supple. Fine lines and wrinkles appear more pronounced when you are dehydrated, so be sure to drink your 8 glasses a day to keep the wrinkles at bay.

3. Moisturize

Hydrated skin gives off a glowing, healthy, even-toned appearance and when skin is hydrated it is also stronger and more resilient. Be sure to find the right moisturizer for your skin type and age. We can help you find the products that will work best for your skin. Also try getting a facial regularly for an extra deep cleansing and extra hydration that will help keep your skin looking and feeling great, we generally recommend once a month. Also if you come in for a facial we can determine the best products for your skin based on what it needs.

4. Eat Healthy You really are what you eat. Every cell in your body is made from the foods you eat. If thats the case,hen feeding your body high-quality and nutritious foods will give you the best results. Your diet has a major impact on the overall health of your body, inside and out. Filling up with more fruits and veggies and healthy goodies will boost your appearance for the better and give you more energy. Nutrients such as beta carotene, vitamin C, selenium and zinc are abundant in fresh produce, while vitamin E is found in healthy nuts and seeds. These antioxidants help increase cellular regeneration and the production of elastin and collagen, keeping your skin firm and wrinkle-free. Essential fatty acids, such as those found in flaxseed and fatty fish, help your skin function properly and aid in tissue repair. Bottom line: If it's a whole food, it's good for both your body and your skin.

5.Stress Less
stress really does wear on you. When you’re under intense or chronic stress your body increases production of the hormone cortisol, which can damage collagen and elastin and decrease the skin’s ability to repair itself. Get stress and anxiety under control by exercising regularly, practicing yoga and mindfulness exercises, or even walking for 30 minutes.
6. Get enough sleep
As you sleep your skin repairs itself overnight. If you aren't getting enough of the deep REM sleep your body needs, then your skin can't easily undo the damage it's suffered. Also sleep deprivation causes your body to go into a stress mode which release stress hormones. Seven to eight hours is a good number to shoot for, and if you struggle to fall asleep try turning off electronics and bright lights a half hour before bed.
These are some simples things you can do in your everyday life to help maintain healthy, radiant, youthful looking skin. Sometimes all it takes are a few changes to your routine to make a big impact. Hope you enjoyed these tips and are able to try a few or all in your own life.
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