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Beach Ready with Lash and Brow Tinting

Summer is upon us and with that brings beaches, BBQ's, camping, waterparks and HUMIDITY! The last thing a girl needs is to be out enjoying the beautiful summer

sunshine, splashing in the water at the beach when your mascara starts to run, and your carefully filled brows disappear. Don't fret we have a solution, lash and brow tinting done at Brilliant Bodywork. What is lash and brow tinting you may be wondering. Eyelash and eyebrow tinting involves carefully dying the lashes or eyebrows with safe, natural tints, to give them a natural, luscious, darker appearance.

Don't let this be you! Enjoy your summer activities without worrying about running makeup. Nobody wants raccoon eyes, or the stinging of mascara getting in their eyes when they are swimming or sweating. Here are some before and after images that show how effective and stunning lash and brow tinting can be:

Lash and brow tinting lasts between 3 - 4 weeks depending on each persons own hair growth cycle. It is a quick, safe, appointment that will give you more freedom to enjoy the things you love in the summer while still feeling confident and beautiful. Pricing is as follows for these services:

Lash Tinting is $20.00

Eyebrow Tinting is $15.00

Lash and Eyebrow Tinting $30.00

If you are looking for something that makes your own natural lashes longer, darker and thicker then Latisse may be what you are looking for. Latisse is a FDA approved solution that is applied to the skin of the upper eyelid at the base of the eyelashes and causes the lashes to become longer, thicker, and darker. The lashes will stay that way as long as the product is being used. The cost of Latisse is $189.00 and is available at Brilliant Bodywork.

Here is a before and after image with the Latisse, as you can see the Latisse lashes are in fact longer, thicker and darker and this is without any enhancing eye makeup.

Have fun in the sun, and in the water without worrying about your eye makeup, try out lash and brow tinting or Latisse and get the bold lashes and brows you want without the running makeup, stinging eyes or hassle.

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