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Summer Skin Essentials

Summer is just around the corner, that means beaches, barbecues, concerts, water park's, camping, canoeing and more. Here in Wisconsin when summer hits we don't take it for granted, after being cooped up all winter we are ready to get outside and have some fun. However it's important to be safe when out in the sun, skin cancer is very serious and can happen to anyone, it's important be smart and safe while having fun in the sun. Here are some tips for taking care of your skin in the summer and protecting yourself and your family:

One way to protect your skin is the clothing you wear. Darker clothing protects better and absorbs the rays more that paler shades of clothing, looser fitting garments are better because the tighter the garment the more likely it can stretch and expose skin to the sun. Also don't forget a hat! This is an easy way to help protect your face, and very stylish as well. Get a beach hat with a wide brim that keeps your face shaded. If nothing else even a baseball cap is better than nothing. Don't forget your sunglasses, the UV rays can reflect off of the sand on the beach or the water and damage your sensitive eyes. Choose a pair of sunglasses that filters out 99-100% of the UV radiation. A pair that is wider and covers the sides of your eyes by the temples are best. Another great tip is to seek shade whenever available and drink lots of water to stay hydrated.

Don't forget the sunscreen! Here are some tips for using sunscreen taken from the Skin Cancer Foundation website at

Sunscreen is only effective if you use enough. Apply a full ounce (two tablespoons) to the body, including a nickel-sized amount to the face, 30 minutes before heading outdoors. Spray sunscreens are also an easy-to-use option. Reapply every two hours outside, and immediately after swimming, towel-drying, or heavy sweating.

Use a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher every day. For extended outdoor activity, use a water-resistant, broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher

Water-resistant sunscreens are a boon to bathers, but their optimum protection lasts just 40 minutes ("very water-resistant" sunscreens last 80), and they should be reapplied immediately after getting out of the water. If you exercise, sport sunscreens, formulated not to run when you sweat, are a good option.

Finally, be really stylish by not following the crowd. Head to the beach before 10 AM or after 4 PM, when the sun is weaker, to minimize exposure and avoid the hordes.

It is also important to know that sunscreen should be used EVERYDAY, not just when outdoors or in the summer. Even if it is cloudy outside the suns rays can reach you and effect you. If your inside and by the windows the glass will protect against UVB rays but not UVA rays which can supress the immune system, cause wrinkles and brown spots. Be vigilant as well in the car if you are driving a lot or long distances you can get sun damage and be negatively impacted. Keep these tips in mind for a safe, fun, summer that won't leave you or your family with lasting skin damage and potentially harmful skin cancer. If you need sunscreen we do carry a few varieties of facial sunscreen at the spa. Go enjoy the summer and the sun, safely!

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