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Walking Your Path Joyfully

As the beginning of another new year unfolds it is a time of making resolutions and goals for the year ahead. We make plans for what we are going to do differently and how we are going to make changes in our lives for the better, we pick things like eating healthy, exercising, getting our home and offices organized or even getting our life organized (I can relate to that resolution!) We have a tendency to make BIG plans for BIG changes in our life, but sometimes its the small changes we make that add up over time. It is a lot easier to make small changes over a period of time that will leave a lasting impact on the life path we are walking. And sometimes it is easy for us to get caught up in our resolutions and we gauge our life success based on these lofty goals. However, maybe what we need is to not be so focused on BIG changes and BIG resolutions, but to find peace with our own path and our own journey. It's great to want to make positive changes in our lives, making these kinds of changes is what helps us grow and learn and become more comfortable with ourselves and who we are. However, part of walking on your own path is that every now and again you will stumble, and you will fall, and you will fail. But their is beauty in the breakdown and in the stages of pulling yourself up, dusting yourself off and moving on. We learn that sometimes in life we won't succeed, but that in our failings we can learn and grow and change for the better. Sometimes its when we fall down that we realize maybe it's time to set our path in a different direction and not be afraid to take those first steps down that new road. Sometimes we might not find that new road right away and we may wander and search, and that's alright because that too is part of our personal journey in finding our self and becoming who we are meant to be. And if you do wander it does not mean that you're lost. If you believe what J.R.R Tolkien says then you know that not all those who wander are lost. So don't be afraid to set new goals and make new plans just remember that if they don't work out or come to fruition that maybe their is another way you are meant to take. Do not feel bad for making mistakes, try to learn what you can from them and keep moving forward, walking your own path to happiness and fulfillment. No matter what keep moving forward even if you have to alter the course. Do not be afraid to make your own path and tread where no one else has. Because it might be that your destiny is to forge a new path and leave a trail. No matter what stay your own course, follow your inner compass, let your faith lead you and let your feet fall where they may. Stay strong in the face of adversity and the fear of the unknown. And remember to laugh when you can, and find joy in the little things. Have a happy and joyful new year and enjoy the path your on.

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