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Shoe box Packing Party for Operation Christmas Child

On Friday, November 4 at 6:30 p.m. we hosted our very first Operation Christmas Child shoe box packing party for Samaritan's Purse ministry. We are very happy to announce it was a HUGE success! We want to thank everyone who took the time to shop, donate, put together boxes and pack the boxes. We are blessed beyond belief at the great turn out we had of people willing to help out and get involved in one way or another. It is even more of a blessing to have this opportunity to give to children in need. Our hearts are beyond full at the thought of how many of you felt compelled to give to this cause and reach out in love to children all over the world. We'd like to share some pictures with everyone of the event.


This is a group picture with the majority of our happy elves who came down to the spa to pack boxes with us, thank you again to all who came out and to all who couldn't come but gave donations or prayers, we appreciate you all and could not have pulled this off without you!

These are the tables we had set up in the pedicure room, as you can see they are filled with goodies like stuffed animals, toys, puzzles, colored pencils, crayons, notebooks, candy and snacks, socks, washcloths, soap, toiletries and much, much more. We set up as an assembly line working down the line packing boxes to make sure each child got a box filled to capacity with things they would want and need.


However before the packing could begin their was a bit of work to be done regarding the shoe boxes...

The boxes came to us flat and we had to crease, fold and put together all 100 of them by hand. In the beginning it took a few tries for us to get the hang of it, but eventually we got all our boxes built and ready to pack.


Finally the time came for us to actually do the packing, we each picked a gender and age range of 2-4, 5-9, and 10-14 for each boxed and packed them accordingly. This part was so much fun, the Christmas spirit was in the air as we thought of what each child would enjoy in their box.


All in all the shoe box packing party was a great success, we all had a lot of fun socializing while we worked. We enjoyed some pizza, snacks, and beverages, it was a fun party. I think I speak for all of us when I say it felt really great doing something good to benefit those less fortunate than ourselves. Knowing that without these shoe boxes some of these children would not get anything for Christmas, for a lot of them they struggle to even have their daily needs met. We are blessed to have had this opportunity to spread joy and love and can't wait to do it more things like this in the future. Thank you again everybody!

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